Our Values

Gabriel R. Molteni
- Economist from the Universidad Católica Argentina with M.Phil. (Master of Philosophy) in Economics and Development from the University of Cambridge (UK) and Ph.D.c (Philosophy Doctorate) in Economic History from the London School of Economics (UK).
- He is currently a consultant in the evaluation of social investment projects, specialized in the construction of result indicators and the implementation of impact evaluation methodologies. He has worked in several projects of international organizations (World Bank, IDB, European Union, PLAN, UNIFEM, Transparency International, Union to Union, YMCA, EDUCO, among others). For 2 years he has been leading the development of technological solutions for Third Sector organizations, having developed the RALLUS software for monitoring indicator systems of social projects.
- He has been a consultant in Macroeconomics, director of ECONOX, for companies and organizations in Argentina and for Colerman Research Group (USA), and columnist for El Economista, La Nación (Argentina), InfobaeTV and Prensa Económica, as well as being the author of several academic articles with and without referato.
- He has been a Liaison Officer with the Private Sector for the World Bank and Director of the Department of Economics and the Observatory of Foreign Trade of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CAC), Researcher at the School of Economics of the Argentine Catholic University), Senior Economist of the Management of Economic Analysis of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and Junior Economist in the Directorate of Latin American Economic Integration of the Argentine Chancellery.
- He has been a professor at the Institute of International Education of Students (IES Abroad), associate professor at the Universidad Católica Argentina, assistant professor at the London School of Economics (UK) and visiting professor at Ave María University (USA).
• Ph.D.c. in Economic History (London School of Economics)
• M.Phil. in Economics and Development (University of Cambridge)
• Economist (Universidad Católica Argentina)
• Specialist in economic-social evaluation of investment projects and in impact measurement methodologies.
Carolina Posada Molina
- Business Economist from the Autonomous University of Manizales (Caldas, Colombia) with an M.Sc. (Master of Science) in Social Policy and Planning in Developing Countries from the London School of Economics (UK). Specialist in planning, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of social projects implemented from different sectors: public, private, academic and non-governmental (in different countries of Latin America and Europe). Logical Framework Expert (LF); monitoring and systematization; evaluation of results and impact of social investment; and project management (PM). Interest and experience in youth and employment issues; childhood; advocacy (media and governments); and recycling of solid waste.
- She is currently Manager of the Frisby Foundation (Colombia). She has been a Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Systematization and Evaluation; Associate Director of Impact Economy (Argentina) and carried out consultancies for international organizations (World Bank, IDB, UNIFEM, Transparency International, among others). Previously, she was the Coordinator of Systematization, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Provivienda Social Foundation (Argentina). She has been a graduate professor at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO (Argentina) and the National University Tres de Febrero (Argentina).
• M.Sc. in Social Policy and Planning (London School of Economics)
• Business Economist (Universidad Autónoma de Manizales)
• Specialist in planning, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of social projects implemented from different sectors: public, private, academic and non-governmental.
Advisory Board
TINAMUS has an Advisory Council made up of people whose careers in different areas allow them to contribute to the strategic thinking of the organization. They also support us in the creation of new programs and projects, as well as in the development of our community in general.
Silvia Garcia de Agnelli
• Economist from the University of Buenos Aires, with Masters in Economics from the CEMA University (Argentina) and in Political Science from the Université de Montréal (Canada). She has a PhD in Public Policy from Carleton University (Canada). She is currently a member of the Advisory Council of Red Raices (Ministry of Science and Technology).
• She has been director of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and a member of the Observatory on relations between Canada and Latin America at Carleton University, where she has taught Master’s degrees at the School of Public Policy and Administration and at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs on public policy in emerging countries, international cooperation and project evaluation.
• Previously, she served as a senior economist in charge of investigations of dumping, subsidies, and safeguards at the National Foreign Trade Commission of the Argentine Republic. Participated in trade negotiations between the European Union and MERCOSUR. She was part of the faculty of the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa and in that capacity she was trained in research, teaching methods and academic management at the Universitá Bocconi (Italy) and the European School of Management & Technology (Germany).
• Among others, she obtained in 1994 the Academy Award granted by the Argentine Academy of Business Sciences for the best co-authored research work on business strategies for value creation and in 2012 the Bruce Doern Prize awarded by Carleton University to the best student PhD her research has been published as books and magazine articles with reference.

Alejandro Peña
Degree in Journalism and Degree in International Business. Postgraduate studies in Management of Non-Profit Organizations. Master in European Policies for International Development Cooperation and postgraduate studies in Communication, International Cooperation and Sociocultural Mediation in the Euro-Mediterranean.
Global consultant. Organizational and resource development experience. Lens of inclusion, diversity, equity and access.
Management skills, multicultural and intersectoral empathy developed working in the humanitarian emergency, social development, private, public and multilateral entities sectors in the USA, Argentina, Panama, Mexico, Sudan and Spain. Experience in initiatives that generate impact and social transformation through logistics coordination, communication, strategic planning, resource mobilization, as well as project monitoring and evaluation.
Provides high-impact guidance and support to non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurship to:
-Establish, manage and strengthen organizational and resource development capacities.
-Committee and Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion.
-Achieve and maintain financial sustainability through management, including the design and implementation of communication plans and fundraising strategies. He has worked with 21 non-profit initiatives in the USA, Kenya, Colombia, Spain and Portugal.
-Directed high impact fundraising workshops in the US, Spain and Mexico, for small and medium non-profit organizations, resulting in better fundraising capacity and donor retention.
TINAMUS is made up of a team of professionals with more than 17 years of experience in the analysis, management and evaluation of social projects, as well as in the design and implementation of social investment strategies in 14 countries worldwide.

Lina Sarmiento
• Master in Territorial and Population Studies (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
• Specialist in Integrated Management of the Environment (Universidad de Los Andes)
• Economist (Universidad del Rosario)
• Economist from the Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia), with a Specialization in Integrated Environmental Management from the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) and a Master’s in Territorial and Population Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain). Specialist in planning and incorporation of sustainability criteria in the tourism industry. Extensive experience in the formulation and management of projects in the environmental and tourism sectors. Special interest in the analysis and interpretation of socio-territorial processes and in regional development issues.
She has worked in the public sector in entities such as the National Planning Department and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, as well as in the Barcelona Provincial Council (Spain). In the private sector, she has been linked as a consultant for the formulation of tourism development plans and the implementation of good environmental practices. She has worked in the non-profit sector, managing projects focused on the recovery of water resources.
Erbin Castro
Public Accountant – Youth Leader – Social Activist in @todosporlaeducacion

Gonzalo de León
Master in Applied Economics (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)
Degree in Economics (Catholic University of Argentina)
Senior economist with extensive experience in the area of economic research, developed at the Argentine Chamber of Commerce. He is also a professor of Macroeconomics at the UTDT and UCAECE, and a columnist in specialized media.
In consulting, he has specialized in applied quantitative and econometric analysis, particularly in the evaluation of the impact of social, experimental and quasi-experimental programs.

Georgina Sticco
Master in International Relations and Regional Integration (Universitá di Bologna)
Postgraduate in International Cooperation for Development (Complutense University of Madrid)
Computer Engineer (Technological Institute of Buenos Aires)
Specialist in gender balance, family-work reconciliation policies, strategic planning, project development, coaching, volunteering, social responsibility, organization of events and workshops and international cooperation.

Patricia Kistenmacher
Coach – Facilitator (Certified in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology)
For 12 years, he was Project Manager at the AVINA Foundation, working throughout Latin America identifying leadership for sustainable development, on topics such as Art for Social Transformation, Mega Cities, Urban Development, Coastal Management, among others. He is a member of the Board of the Crea Vale la Pena Foundation in Argentina and International Representative of the Latin American Net for Art and Social Transformations.

María Pazo
Certificate in Non-profit Management (Ryerson University)
Lic. International Relations (Universidad del Salvador)
Specialist in strategic planning and management of non-governmental organizations and social enterprises, Community Outreach, and fund raising campaigns.
Master in Human Rights (National University of La Plata)
Political Scientist (National University of Colombia)
Specialist in transfer, systematization, monitoring and design of social projects. With experience in research for the impact on public policies and implementation of projects in territory with populations in vulnerable situations.

Margarita Molina
Master in Latin American Studies (University of Salamanca)
Specialist in Business Communication (ESAE)
Philosophy and Letters (University of Caldas)

Julián Andrés Corrales
Master in Education (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana)
Degree in Philosophy (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana)
Specialist in Rural Education projects, Educational Quality and the use of information technologies in educational programs.
Degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires.
He has extensive experience in field data collection as Field Manager for TINAMUS.
Previously, he worked in the Department of Economics of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce, where he prepared and participated in studies and publications on domestic and foreign trade and the economic situation.
He has collaborated in the writing of economic articles for the press, academic research and impact evaluations.

Edwin Mesa Cardona
Systems Engineer from the Technological University of Pereira.
He has extensive experience in software development. He has 10 years of profession as a developer.
He led the design, development and implementation of the Rallus web platform and its customization for PLAN Colombia (plan.rallus.co) which currently supports more than 500 users and processes information from more than 60 projects and more than 520,000 people.

Harris Tapasco T.
Web Manager / SEO
- I am in charge of keeping the Tinamus website fully updated, fast and positioned in the search engines.
Knowledge in organic positioning and payment. - Director of content creation for brand positioning and customer loyalty.
- In 5 years of experience in the field, he has helped more than 10 companies to solve issues of digital presence and strategic guidelines for their positioning and growth.