The TINAMUS team has worked on the following projects for social organizations and foundations:


Fundación Frisby

Country: Colombia

Implementation of the Rallus System for the Monitoring of its result and impact indicators for its different social projects. (ongoing)

Audifarma Foundation

Country: Colombia

Implementation of the Rallus system to measure the results and impacts of the projects of the El Comienzo del Arco Iris Corporation, 2022

Audifarma Foundation

Country: Colombia

Development of a results and impact measurement system for the projects of the El Comienzo del Arco Iris Corporation, 2022

EDP Foundation

Country: Spain

Social impact assessment of EDP Solidaria 2018-2019 (in partnership with Stone Soup Consulting).

Social impact assessment of EDP Solidaria 2020-2021 (in partnership with Stone Soup Consulting).

PLAN Colombia

Country: Colombia

Development of a Monitoring Web App for Project 502 ‘Leading for Peace’ in Colombia, financed by International Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Global Affairs. 2018-2022.


Country: Spain

Social impact assessment and management system. 2019-2021 (in partnership with Stone Soup Consulting).


Country: Spain

Social impact assessment and management system. 2019-2021 (in partnership with Stone Soup Consulting).

Foundation Aga Khan

Country: Portugal

Evaluation of results and impacts of the Diversity@work Project. 2019-2021 (in partnership with Stone Soup Consulting).


Country: Portugal

Impact evaluation of the Scratch on Road Project. 2020-2021 (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting).

OXFAM Internacional

Country: Colombia

External Impact Evaluation of the companies of the Companies that Change Lives Program (ECV) (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting) 2019-2020.

UNSAM Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Country: Argentina

Quasi-experimental Evaluation of the Impact of the RBT METROBUS System in the San Martín district, implemented by the Ministry of Transport (2018-2019).

Accesible Portugal

Country: Portugal

Construction of an Impact Measurement System for the AccessTUR project (Central Portugal) (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting) (2019-2020).

Federación Nacional de Personeros (FENALPER)

Country: Colombia

Intermediate and Final Evaluation of the Project financed by the European Union under the Thematic Line “Strengthening of Civil Society” in Colombia. 2018-2019.

Fundación Euskampus 

Country: Spain

Impact Evaluation of the Campus of International Excellence Project, which involves 6 Knowledge Poles (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting).

Analysis of the Social Return on Investment (SROI) of the Knowledge Poles. Accredited by Social Value International (SVI). 2017-2019.


Asociación Aprender Jugando (Fundación Frisby)

Country: Colombia

Planning based on the Theory of Change and the Logical Framework of the “Learning by Playing” Project. Monitoring System Design. 2018

Asociación Viva Cerritos

Country: Colombia

Design of the Social Investment Strategy of the Viva Cerritos Association in Risaralda. Planning and monitoring of the implementation strategy. 2017-2018


UNSAM Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Country: Argentina

Quasi-experimental Impact Evaluation of the Neighborhood Improvement Program (PROMEBA) in the Partido de San Martín. 2017-2018.

YMCA Association (Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes) 

Country: Colombia

Final Evaluation of the ‘Paza la Paz’ Project 2016-2018 in Colombia, financed by Horyzon (Switzerland). 2018.

Fundación Jesuites

Country: Spain

Factorial Statistical Analysis for the construction of the “Program Millorem” Survey that allows measuring the impact of Jesuit Education on its students (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting). 2016-2019.

Fundación Telefónica

Country: Spain

Impact Evaluation of the Implementation of the Global Program “Design for Change” in Sacatepéquez and Chimaltenango (Guatemala) (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting). 2016-2017

Fundación NETRI

Country: Spain

Design of the Methodology for the Evaluation of Results of NETRI Projects at a global level (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting) – 2016.

Fundación EDUCO

Country: Spain

Social Impact Assessment of programs in Education, Protection and Governance in Asia, Africa and Latin America (in alliance with Stone Soup Consulting) – 2015-2016.

Federación Internacional de Actores


Evaluation of the FIA and UNI-MEI Projects (UNI Global Union-Media, Entertainment & Arts) in Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Colombia). 2015-2016.

Fundación Casa de la Paz – BID/FOMIN

Country: Chile

Midterm Evaluation of the Inclusive Recycling Project in Santiago de Chile. 2015-2016.

Logo Circo para Todos

Fundación Circo Para Todos

Country: Colombia

Systematization of the project “Effective enjoyment of rights, positive occupation of free time and development of cognitive activities in the city of Bogotá”. 2015-2016.

Fundación ProVivienda Social

Country: Argentina

Design, Monitoring and Systematization of Inclusive Business Social Projects at the Base of the Pyramid. 2013.

Fundación Conexión Equilibrio Ambiental 

Country: Colombia

Design, Formulation and Implementation of the Project “Recovery of round areas and springs in the municipality of El Rosal-Cundinamarca”.

Latin American Therapeutic Community Research 

Country: Mexico

Planning and design of the project “Therapeutic communities in Latin America: Its effectiveness and efficiency”. 2013.


Instituto Interamericano para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (INDES)

Country: USA

Design of the evaluation of the Training Program for leaders of the public sector in Latin America and the Caribbean (for CIPPEC). 2005-2006.

Fundación Grupo Sophia

Country: Argentina

Research work on issues of National Social Policy, Income transfer programs (Heads of Household Plan) and Citizen Participation. 2004-2005.

Logo Univ Empresa

Fundación Universidad Empresa

Country: Colombia

Design and implementation of strategies to promote the link between the public, private and academic sectors for the benefit of the development of the City of Manizales. 1999.

(*) Carried out as consultancies for Zigla Consultores (Argentina)